Thursday, August 21, 2008

Eraserheads Reunion Update

This is an over due post. hehe! Sorry for the delay (talking to Eheads fans).

I bring in good news courtesy of Subsandwich (Sandwich's mailing list). This has been posted there a couple of weeks ago but only came to my senses now that I should have posted this before. Here's what Raimund Marasigan has to say about the upcoming concert.

"last monday the erserheads met and rehearsed for the first time.

nobody knew what to expect. it was a little uncomfortable since we havent communicated for a long time. but im pleased to announce that the band was playing better than i ever remembered. i guess we all did our homework haha.

i wont say how many songs we finished but it was a lot. there was a lot of drums and no drama.


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