Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Everytime people ask me how long I've been surfing, I say that the first time I first got on a board was three years ago. That was the first time, then it took me another year before I could get stoked again. My introduction to the sport, if you will accept the term, was brought up by my cousin. She asked me if I wanted to try it out but I didn't expect that she'd ask me to go with her up north that moment. My reation was, "Siryoso ka ba? Surfing dito sa Pinas?!". I was surprised because I thought you could only surf around in America and Australia. It took a couple of hours before she could prove me and when we arrived in Zambales -the locals who would teach us were all geared up with their rash guards and surf boards. Ever since then, I've always looked forward for the next surf trip.
From the likes of Marcus Adoro to Jericho Rosales to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, they have all been enticed by surfing. Everyday a lot of new enthusiasts wanna learn and from here we can safely say it is a growing phenomenon which will continue to grow and attract more avid learners. Surfing has been around for some time now, I don't know exactly the origin of how it got here but one thing is for sure that it is here to stay!

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